Monday, 27 February 2012

Assignment 14- Change in drafts

Title: Match on Action 

Incorrect description and more visuals
-          More description and more images included to show examples.

 Overhead plans

Draft 1
Draft 2
Not accurate plan of room
-          Now our plan of the room is accurate

Draft 1
Draft 2
-    Shot numbers are missing and no commentary included.
-Shot number are now included as well as the commentary.

Draft 1
Draft 2
-          Boxes weren’t the same side and shot number weren’t included.
 -Box is now the same size and shot number has been added.

Shot list
Draft 1
Draft 2
-          We had not enough shots and we didn’t included the shot numbers
-          We added in more shots and shot numbers were included.  

Assignment 14- Group Preliminary Presentation Redraft