Tuesday 18 October 2011

Assignment 7 - Narrative and Film Theory Research

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _7__: Narrative and Film Theory

In this assignment, I think WWW was….
-Layout was clear
-Information was clear and brief
-And listing examples of films from each Narrator

In this assignment, it would have been EBI ….

-More Images
-Fewer Details
-Better understanding of Narrative
Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade C because the presentation was clear and information was brief. Also I listed a few examples of each film from each Narrator. I received a grade N/A.
Targets to improve:    
Add more images and fewer details. Add more information on narrative.
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Assignment 6 - Opening Sequence Analysis

Current Grade (October)

My target grade is C. My current grade is C. To improve to next grade I need to:

  • Organise my presention much clearer
  • Use the PEE points to help me develop my explanations more.
  • Use a wide range of images
  • Answer the question properly
ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _6__: Opening Sequence Analysis

In this assignment, I think WWW was….
- Lots Of images
-Good use of text
-Layout was well presented

In this assignment, it would have been EBI ….
-Fewer details
Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade C because I analysed 4 opening sequence and used a wide range of images. Also my information for each element was well written. I received a grade N/A
Targets to improve:    
To improve on the presentation and have less details. Also use brighter colours to stand out the presentation more.
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

Monday 3 October 2011


Assignment 1
Blog Analysis
Assignment 2
Coursework Analysis
Assignment 3
Genre Interest
Assignment 4
Genre Partner Project
Assignment 5
Inspirational scene
Current Grade
C/ B-
C/ B-

-What assignment did you do the best? Why?
I like the assignment 2 and 3 because I got to talk about what genre interested me the most and why. Also I thought my conventions were good and images were eye-catching and the whole presentation was brief and clear.
-What assignment did you do the worst? Why? 
My worst would be assignment 5 because I did not do the connotation and dennotation correctly and also I talked about two films that inspired me the most when there should be three films. Also I didn’t say how the film uses it conventions.
-How are your grades for all the assignments against your target grade?
I think that my grades are so far good. It’s all above a U grade so it tells me that I know the basics and can develop my answers a bit more.
-What do you need to do to improve to get to (or above) your target grade?
I need to organise my presentation a bit clearer by doing new slides for each representations of the characters, add more images and label them and also show examples of convention to improve my target.