Tuesday 1 November 2011

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _8__: Individuals Presentations
In this assignment, I think WWW was….
-My title page and genre
-My representation of the character
-Storyboard for opening sequence

In this assignment, it would have been EBI ….

-Each representation of the character should be on different slide
-I explain why those movies were inspirational to me
-Improve my enigma since it was too basic.

Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade D because I didn’t really explain why those films I choose were inspirational to me and the enigma was too basic. In the end I received a grade D-
Targets to improve:    
I should add more images next time and say why the films I picked inspired me. Also I should extend the storyboard and improve on my enigma.
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 

Any additional drafts: 

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