Monday, 19 December 2011

Assignment 10: Film Distributing companies

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _10__: Film Distributing Companies

In this assignment, I think WWW was...
-Good organisation
-brief points
-Good images
In this assignment it would be EBI if...
-Include more distributing companies that could relate to my film.
Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself a D because I should have included more distributing companies that could relate to my film and add more examples of films to shows that I have researched a lot about certain budgets they work on.  
Targets to improve:    
To make sure I include more information about the distributing companies and add more examples so you can see that I have researched more and understand what budgets the distributing companies work at.  
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Assignment 9 - Getting Into Groups

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _09__: Getting Into Groups

In this assignment, I think WWW was….
- Some range of pictures
- Good organisation
-Nice diagram exploring
- Good explanation of chosen theme

In this assignment, it would have been EBI I….
-To make sure I write my name of each slide
- limit WW and have more details for EBI
- Relate pictures to PEE
- Less text more bullet points
- identify how everyone is contributing
Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade E because I had good explanation of my chosen theme. I had wide range of images and it was well presented as well as I had nice diagrams and my presentation was organised. I received a grade U as my three different themes and concept was too simple and basic
Targets to improve:    
To improve on this assignment I need to make sure my three themes and concept are not too basic and label them with details so the brainstorm actually looks like a brainstorm also I need to relate my theme and concept to the right images.
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

Friday, 25 November 2011

Current Grade (Novemeber)

My target grade is C. My last current grade was C. My current grade is ____.    To improve to next grade I need to…..

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Presentation Reflection

I thought that the presentations were well labelled and detailed by just showing clear, short brief points. What went well were the communication and the presentations, they were understandable to read and the images were big so it was eye-catching to us which made the presentations look better. Even better if the details were more specific and a clearer meaning of what conventions are of their specific genre they choose.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Assignment 8 Redraft - Individual Presentations

Assignment 8 - Individual Presentations

What I have learnt.

I have learnt in class that when you talk about conventions you should use;
Use, develop and challenge to help you. Also don’t give to much information away in your opening sequence otherwise the audience will expect it. Storyboard is important because it helps you plan out your next step when filming.
ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _8__: Individuals Presentations
In this assignment, I think WWW was….
-My title page and genre
-My representation of the character
-Storyboard for opening sequence

In this assignment, it would have been EBI ….

-Each representation of the character should be on different slide
-I explain why those movies were inspirational to me
-Improve my enigma since it was too basic.

Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade D because I didn’t really explain why those films I choose were inspirational to me and the enigma was too basic. In the end I received a grade D-
Targets to improve:    
I should add more images next time and say why the films I picked inspired me. Also I should extend the storyboard and improve on my enigma.
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 

Any additional drafts: 

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Assignment 7 - Narrative and Film Theory Research

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _7__: Narrative and Film Theory

In this assignment, I think WWW was….
-Layout was clear
-Information was clear and brief
-And listing examples of films from each Narrator

In this assignment, it would have been EBI ….

-More Images
-Fewer Details
-Better understanding of Narrative
Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade C because the presentation was clear and information was brief. Also I listed a few examples of each film from each Narrator. I received a grade N/A.
Targets to improve:    
Add more images and fewer details. Add more information on narrative.
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Assignment 6 - Opening Sequence Analysis

Current Grade (October)

My target grade is C. My current grade is C. To improve to next grade I need to:

  • Organise my presention much clearer
  • Use the PEE points to help me develop my explanations more.
  • Use a wide range of images
  • Answer the question properly
ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _6__: Opening Sequence Analysis

In this assignment, I think WWW was….
- Lots Of images
-Good use of text
-Layout was well presented

In this assignment, it would have been EBI ….
-Fewer details
Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade C because I analysed 4 opening sequence and used a wide range of images. Also my information for each element was well written. I received a grade N/A
Targets to improve:    
To improve on the presentation and have less details. Also use brighter colours to stand out the presentation more.
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

Monday, 3 October 2011


Assignment 1
Blog Analysis
Assignment 2
Coursework Analysis
Assignment 3
Genre Interest
Assignment 4
Genre Partner Project
Assignment 5
Inspirational scene
Current Grade
C/ B-
C/ B-

-What assignment did you do the best? Why?
I like the assignment 2 and 3 because I got to talk about what genre interested me the most and why. Also I thought my conventions were good and images were eye-catching and the whole presentation was brief and clear.
-What assignment did you do the worst? Why? 
My worst would be assignment 5 because I did not do the connotation and dennotation correctly and also I talked about two films that inspired me the most when there should be three films. Also I didn’t say how the film uses it conventions.
-How are your grades for all the assignments against your target grade?
I think that my grades are so far good. It’s all above a U grade so it tells me that I know the basics and can develop my answers a bit more.
-What do you need to do to improve to get to (or above) your target grade?
I need to organise my presentation a bit clearer by doing new slides for each representations of the characters, add more images and label them and also show examples of convention to improve my target.