Tuesday 24 January 2012

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _13__: Filming Jobs Task

In this assignment, I think WWW was...
-Good Organisation of presentation layout
-Good images
-Good description of job
-Good examples of being an Art Director
-Good points on how to be successful

In this assignment it would be EBI if...
-Expand more on description of being a Cameraman
-Add more information to the description of the cameraman job
-Add more images and more text
Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded our group a C because we have a well presented layout and good images to match our points. We have a good idea's on how to make sure we become successful at our jobs and also finding and knowing information on what each job does.
Targets to improve:    
Next time to improve my part of the presentation I should add more information of being a cameraman and to research more about what the cameraman job does.
Teacher Assessment: 

Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

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