Saturday 7 January 2012

Meet up for Assignment 11 : Day 3!

Today Kaya and myself met up again as we still need to work on our assignment. Gia and Rahel haven't contacted us on meeting up so they weren't here again, but we have learnt a lot today and made a lot of progress on the assignment. We fully developed the characters, locations, enigma and target audience.
Today, I had to dressed myself in character by changing the look of my face by using make-up, but we don't yet have her costume, however we worked with the costume that was similar to what we wanted the character to look like and we took pictures for our assigment. We couldn't do characters for Rahel and Gia as they didn't come to the meet up, so hopefully they will come tomorrow so we can get them in costume and make-up.
Here is a picture of me in hair, makeup and costume!!

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