Wednesday 21 September 2011

Assessment Of Assignment 12: Genre  Interest
-In this assignment, I think WWW was….
-Good effort in presentation
-Good Bullet points
-Good information on Cheaper By the Dozen Slide

In this assignment, it would have been EBI If….
-But the Cheaper By the Dozen should be about the conventions
-Should label all my pictures
-Examples needs to relate to conventions
Record of Grade:
I got a grade C+/B- because I had good variety of images and I had good bullets points but to work towards a B level I need to add examples of conventions and how does the film meet its conventions.
Targets to improve:
      Next time I need to add examples of conventions and the convention expectation of the genre. Also I need to label all my pictures.
Teacher Assessment:

Peer Assessment:
Any additional drafts:

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