Monday 26 September 2011

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _5__: Inspirational Scene  
In this assignment, I think WWW was….
-Layout was clear
-Information was clear and brief
-Good use of image
-Good effort  in analysing characters
-Good details of music

In this assignment, it would have been EBI ….

-Relate connation’s and denotation to a scene not a poster
-How do films uses it conventions (use/develop/challenge)
-analysis 3 scene
-Use different slides for different films

To improve my assignment I should of have had different inspirational scene and explain the denotation and connotation of that scene. I should have tried to answer all the questions and develop my answers more by using PEE.
Record of Grade:        
I got a E+ as I didn’t analysis the connotation and denotation of an inspiring film and I didn’t explain how the films uses its convention
Targets to improve:    

Next time I will analysis the connation and denotation of an inspiring film and not the poster. I will analysis 3 scenes and say how the films uses it conventions  
Teacher Assessment: 
Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

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