Thursday 22 September 2011

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT _4__: Genre Partner Project  
In this assignment, I think WWW was….
-Good organisation
-Good variety of Images
-Well detailed
In this assignment, it would have been EBI ….
-Label diagrams
-Avoid confusion
-Have a better understanding of conventions by using use/develop and challenge.
Record of Grade:        
I would have given myself D+ because I had good variety of images and explained in detail but I didn’t really talk about its conventions and so I need to have a better understanding of what conventions are by using use/develop and challenge.
Targets to improve:    

To label the images neatly and have a better understanding of what conventions are. Place each imaged on different slides and explains its conventions and talk about how old movies inspired our generation.
Teacher Assessment: 
Peer Assessment: 
Any additional drafts: 

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