Tuesday 13 September 2011

Assignment 1 - Blog Analysis

I think that Alexa Ranussi blog was succesful because: 
  • Alexa blog is very organised and visual.
  • She has a lot of information for each step she took.
  • Her fonts are readable for the viewers.
  • she set dates for when she has completed her work.
  • eyecatching.
  • A lot of presentation is shown.


I think Paul Renzo blog was poor because:

  • He use big fonts to make his writing expand more.
  • Not enough information is use to expalin clearly what his idea was about.
  • not very eyecatching for the viewers (background and font colour very dull)
  • doesnt explain a lot of steps he took for the task.
  • not enough  presentation show.

The only good thing about his blog is he set the date of when he has finished each task.

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